How to Extract the Nickel From the Copper-Nickel Sulfide Ore?
Froth flotation process is the main mineral processing method used in the extraction of copper-nickel sulfide ore, while the magnetic separation process and gravity separation process are usually used as the auxiliary mineral processing methods. For the froth flotation process of copper-nickel sulfide ore, the collector and foaming agents of copper sulfide ore are often used. A basic principle for determining the froth flotation process is to make the copper into the nickel concentrate and avoid the nickel into the copper concentrate as far as possible. Because the nickel in the copper concentrate loses a lot in the smelting process, while the copper in the nickel concentrate are recovered completely. Here are four processes used in the froth flotation process of copper-nickel sulfide ore. 1. Differential flotation or partial differential flotation process When the content of copper is much more than nickel in the ore, this process can be used to separa...