
目前显示的是 九月, 2020的博文

How to Solve the Problems of Flotation Machine in Daily Application?

  The  flotation machine  is the main equipment used in the separation operation in the concentrator. It carries out the operation of the treated pulp by stirring and aerating, so that some of the ore particles selectively adhere to the bubble, float up to the surface of the pulp and then be hung out by the flotation machine scraper to form the foam product, and the rest of the ore particles are left in the pulp to achieve the separation purpose. In the actual production, flotation opportunities encounter a variety of problems, such as a cover plate or stator screw fall off, groove bottom wear, groove bottom guard pries up, impeller cover wear or corrosion, scraper mechanism is not flexible, bearing clearance become large and so on. These faults not only affect the normal performance of the flotation machine, but also reduce the service life of the flotation machine components, reduce the flotation efficiency. And flotation cell accessories material consumption is obvious. At the same

【Xinhai Case】Laos 2000TPD Gold Processing Project

  Laos is a country that focuses on agricultural development. The foundations of the industry and service industry are weak. The mineral resource of Laos is abundant and various, such as gold silver, copper, iron, lead-zinc, and so on. The whole mineralization geological condition is good, and the resource has potential. Therefore, Laos is one of the important mining countries. The whole geological exploration degree is low. Mineral development is a lack of investment. The mining and processing technology far form satisfying the development requirement. The management and technical personnel are in shortage. Most mineral resources are in the initial phase. Rich mineral resources are underutilized, which influences the Laos economy development. In recent years, the Laos government increases the attach importance to mineral development and utilization. It applies introduced policy and develops national mineral resources relying on foreign capital. The China One Belt and Road policy also

Five Chrome Extraction Process to Teach you the Chromite Ore Processing

  In all rare metals, the importance and scarcity of chrome ore and scarce are most obvious, which is at the top of “strategic metals”. The chrome ore is mainly used in the production of stainless steel and various kinds of alloy steel in the form of ferroalloy (such as ferrochrome), which has the advantages of strong hardness, wear-resisting, heat-resisting and corrosion resistance. At present, the common  chrome extraction  processes mainly include gravity separation, magnetic separation, electric separation, flotation, gravity-magnetic separation process. Below, let’s take you to learn about each chromite ore processing process. 1. Gravity Separation From the point of production practice, the gravity separation is still the main chrome extraction method in the world method now, which uses the loose stratification in the water medium. At present, the gravity separator used in the chromite ore processing includes the  shaker table , jig,  spiral chute  and centrifugal separator. It is

Introduction of Cyanide Leaching Process

  Since it was found that cyanidation solution could dissolve gold in 1887, the  cyanide leaching process  has been put into production for nearly a hundred years. Nowadays, the cyanide leaching process is still the main gold processing method because of its high recovery rate of gold, strong ore adaptability and ability to on-site gold production. Gold extraction by cyanide leaching process is divided into two steps: cyanidation leaching and deposition. The specific leaching processes include the percolation cyanide leaching process, agitation cyanide leaching process and heap leaching process. Among them, the percolation cyanide leaching process and agitation cyanide leaching process are the traditional leaching processes, while the heap leaching process is a new technology that emerged in the last 20 years, which is mainly used to treat low-grade oxidized gold ore. 1. Percolation cyanide leaching process The cyanidation solution penetrates through the ore layer, thus leaching the go

Copper Extraction Process

  Copper metal is one of the earliest metals used by human beings in history. It has excellent performance and widely used in power electronics, light industry, machinery, construction, transportation and other fields. With the continuous development of the economy, the demand for the copper metal is also growing. In order to meet the increasing demand, how to obtain more copper production from the limited copper resources and improve the efficiency of  copper extraction  has aroused people’s attention. Selecting the suitable ore dressing process is one of the necessary conditions for the high-efficient operation of the mineral processing plant. In order to obtain high yield copper and improve the efficiency of mineral processing, we need to choose the ideal copper extraction process. So how much do you know about the copper extraction process? One. Classification of copper ore Due to the different types of copper ore, the nature of the copper ore is different, so the copper extraction

Eight Gold Extraction Methods from Ore

  Due to the different types of gold ores, the  gold extraction methods from ore  are different, mainly including the gravity separation method, flotation method, amalgamation method and cyanide leaching method, resin in the pulp method, carbon paste adsorption method and heap leaching method. For some types of gold ores, the combined gold extraction methods from ore are often used in the gold processing plant. There are many gold extraction methods from ore used in the production. The following are often used in the gold processing plant: 1. Gravity separation-cyanide leaching method This gold extraction method from ore is suitable for treating quartz vein gold-bearing oxidized ore. The raw ore is processed by the  gravity separation method , and the concentrate obtained by the gravity separation method is directly smelted. The middlings and tailings obtained by the gravity separation method are sent to cyanide leaching. 2. All-slime cyanidation method Gold is produced from the quartz